[PES18] PTE Patch World Cup Russia 2018 Mode

This mode includes:
- World Cup themed menus
- Scoreboard
- New logos and country flags
- Official intro video
- Wolrd Cup adboards and stadium boards
- World Cup themed menus
- Scoreboard
- New logos and country flags
- Official intro video
- Wolrd Cup adboards and stadium boards
هذا الوضع يشمل:
- قوائم كأس العالم تحت عنوان
- لوحة النتائج
- الشعارات الجديدة وأعلام البلاد
- فيديو مقدمة رسمي
- لوحات اعلانات Wolrd Cup ولوحات الملعب
روابط التحميل :
The uninstaller inside doesn't work if you have the PTE Patch Update 5.1 installed.
To uninstall this mod install the latest PTE Patch Update 5.1, choose the "Default Version"
To uninstall this mod install the latest PTE Patch Update 5.1, choose the "Default Version"
Txak (scoreboard, font), majuh (adboards), strickeruser (replay logo)
Txak (scoreboard, font), majuh (adboards), strickeruser (replay logo)
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